WRAP UP 2017

It is this time of the year, where I try to slow things down a little bit and to get into a more reflective mood. I think it is a great joy to look back and wrap up what you have achieved in one year. I have never done this in a post but I will try.

Starting with the hard facts:
Thanks to toggl I can tell that I worked around 1800h on projects this year. That is around 300 more than last year. I worked with around 30 brands + clients and more than 90 smaller and bigger projects. I teamed up with around 30 other creatives to make things happen. I joined the Creative Club Austria and gave 4 different talks and took part in several panel discussions.

Most amazing projects:
All the projects in 2017 were awesome but I will handpick a couple of those that made me most proud.


Together with Daniela Leitner and Ars Electronica we executed a huge installation for the famous SACHER. I learned a lot about patients and collaboration and the love I have for handmade design combined with the digital world.

Together with Daniela Leitner and Ars Electronica we executed a huge installation for the famous SACHER. I learned a lot about patients and collaboration and the love I have for handmade design combined with the digital world.




Together with Philip Reitsperger we were invited to rebrand the biggest Irish baby brand "CLEVAMAMA". Since it is not out yet i only will be able to show you more of the project next year

Together with Philip Reitsperger we were invited to rebrand the biggest Irish baby brand "CLEVAMAMA". Since it is not out yet i only will be able to show you more of the project next year


Still one of my favorites I continue to work on together with the guys form huangart: RD textures website and e-commerce.

Still one of my favorites I continue to work on together with the guys form huangart: RD textures website and e-commerce.

To develop the story and take care of the production for salon alpin and this commercial was yet again great fun. Reichl & Parter trusted us very much with the story and the style and Daniela Leitner did once again a great job with her crafting …

To develop the story and take care of the production for salon alpin and this commercial was yet again great fun. Reichl & Parter trusted us very much with the story and the style and Daniela Leitner did once again a great job with her crafting skills and building tunas out of cans!


Also only out in January is the cover art work for Amongst Giants - shot with talented  belle&sass which will be released soon. I only can show a little sneak peek but it will be pure handmade magic!

Also only out in January is the cover art work for Amongst Giants - shot with talented  belle&sass which will be released soon. I only can show a little sneak peek but it will be pure handmade magic!


This year I had the pleasure to work with METRO and Widerhall on some of their branding and design. A lot of new stuff is coming 2018!

This year I had the pleasure to work with METRO and Widerhall on some of their branding and design. A lot of new stuff is coming 2018!


Stereochrome asked me to help them with Heini Staudingers Company GEA + WALDVIERTLER. Together we are trying to bring the brand that produces shoes, bags and furniture into the 21 century - with a new web world and e-commerce platform

Stereochrome asked me to help them with Heini Staudingers Company GEA + WALDVIERTLER. Together we are trying to bring the brand that produces shoes, bags and furniture into the 21 century - with a new web world and e-commerce platform

In the end: 
I had more than 3500 unique visitors on my page this year from 71 countries!!! Which blows my mind completely and motivates me to continue writing. I moved into a new studio with amazing people and maybe I did not go on vaccation enough - but hey!

I will promise to update my website with more projects beginning of next year (people have been ranting about it quite a bit). I have a couple of more rather TACTILE HANDMADE ART DIRECTION and BRANDING projects coming and I will continue the work with all the amazing WOW CREATIVES. I hope 2018 will be full of nice people and nice projects! Drop me a line if you want to work together!

Enjoy the end of the year, have a great start into 2018!
Over and out until January!