one year of music: a personal project


Nearly 6 months since I started a little personal project for me and my dear friend Valerie. We have been friends forever but due to the fact that we have been living in different countries for almost 8 years our shared passion for MUSIC wasn't a big topic anymore. Which it always has been, when we were living in the same city. We definitely connected through music and since I wanted to bring back that connection, I set out to create one playlist a month (+ one album cover + one newsletter) for Valerie to bring back the fire. To share some good music and some love.

Maybe you need some new playlists too:

01 // F R E S H
02 // S T A R T
03 // I N T O
04 // A  N E W  L I F E
05 // F U L L  O F


This is also the first personal project I am publishing. I think personal projects are key to stay in love with the crazy commercial-communication-art-direction-identity-design-illustration-world I am working in. So I also opened up a new section on the website, that is going to feature all the free, personal projects that come up.