fundus: a photo project that never got exhibited... so far

It has been 3 years already, since the famous "Kostümhaus" in Vienna closed it's doors forever. Which means it also has been 3 years since we (Nina Havlicek and me) did a photo project as kolon together with photographer Klaus Vyhnalek, that never saw the light of day. Why? Because there was too much commercial work to do, too less time and not enough courage to really push it, I guess. But since I really love this project I wanted to write about it, share it and push it into the spotlight it deserves.
So, Viennas biggest costume house, for theatre and film costumes, closed its doors in june 2013. They did not get governmental funding anymore, so the last thing they did, was to sell all their 50,000 costumes to the public. We thought this was a great opportunity to create a free project around the fact why people like to dress up. Together with Nina and Klaus, we documented this big event. Capturing humans and their favorite costumes and the stories behind what costume "found" what character.
"fundus: people and costumes", that consists of over 60 amazing before and after shots, was always planed to become an exhibition and a book but it never took off, because we did not get a funding for the exhibition and got disenchanted. But recently I felt like changing that and make the best out of it, even without the money for a big exhibition. So I figured this project could live on in various ways and maybe I have to ask other people where they see the potential or what the would actually want to see. So here is a little questionnaire. I have never done that before, but I would appreciate you checking one or two boxes.