9 bottles of wine, or more: an animation collaboration with FORM+COLOR / stereochrome
I always had a thing for working with start-ups. I guess it is the spirit where people are motivated to build and grow something and all is very new and exciting. This time I got asked by neunweine.at and production house STEREOCHROME to help them (to art direct and direct) with a little 10 seconds TV ad for their company. The brief was very straight forward and the time was very limited. So the solution was to team up with FORM+COLOR, a newly founded collaboration between a designer and a 3d nerd, and to animate the "overwhelming" wine market and what neunweine can bring to that. Check out their idea on how to get the best wines delivered to your house and a couple of stills from the spot. The moving images right now screening on the client's website - or maybe you already saw it on pro7.
again, this is a very nice example for a WOW PROJECT where WOW CREATIVES join forces:
- Production: Stereochrome
- Art Direction + Direction: Me
- Design + Animation: FORM+COLOR
- Music + Sound: Fifth Music
from the corporate design and the client's ads to the main forms of bottles for the tv ad
abstract wine labels for hundreds of bottles, coming in a pastel version of the brand's main colors.