forward creatives! salon alpin at froward conference in vienna & munich

From the 7th - 10th for April the FORWARD festival for creatives took place in Vienna and Munich.
This time simon and philipp went up the stage to talk about limitations and the beauty of it.
Being proud of the guys, this time i enjoyed the fact that I did not have to go up the stage and could listen to all the other speakers. The team of FORWARD did a pretty nice job in combining international speakers such as Stefan Sagmeister, Erik Kessels and smaller design studios and artists like ZWUPP and Illustrator Birgit Palma.

I especially liked the talk by ZWUPP, who also did this years festival identity, and the one by Erik Kessels. Whilst ZWUPP seamed to be one of the most authentic teams this weekend, I liked their insights they revealed  - next to showing nice portfolio pieces. Having been a fan of Erik Kessels since i started to study advertising and graphic design in 2003, I still enjoy the humor kesselskramer always inject into their projects. Being in advertising and design for a couple of decades, Erik Kessels always seams to stay true to his crazy fetish of visual exploration. He just could not care less what other people think - which I find very refreshing.