DIE TAFELN - New Corporate Design

Last year I got approached by the rather newly founded "Verband der österreichischen Tafeln" to help them with their branding and corporate design. So Nina Havlicek and me started to work with this amazing head organization of an Austrian NGO group, that unites all Austrian "TAFELN". These different "TAFELN" are spread all over the country and their voluntary members are fully committed to change poverty in Austria. How? By collecting food from big stores and food producers that would normally end up in the garbage. The head organization "DIE TAFELN", on top of organizing the single entities in different cities, has also a strong political voice. The members want to change the fact, that in Austria still about 1 million tons of food from households, restaurants, manufacturing and agriculture are destroyed. On the other hand, nearly one million people in Austria live at risk of poverty.

It has been a nice journey to work on the strategy and to come up with 3 different routes of corporate design. The final one that got picked is very simple and straight forward and got its beautiful typeface form talented Austrian font designer Igor Labudovic. It aims to give all the different members enough space and at the same time take on the role of a helping protective mother ship that fights for a better Austria.

If you want to support this amazing NGO start by not throwing out food anymore and help them with either a food or money donation. We learned a lot form their members so far and are looking forward to work on more communication projects with them.