building a viennese landmark out of paper - with daniela leitner & ars electronica

It is always hard if you are working on something for months and can't show anything because of NDAs you have with your client. Although - as long as I don't drop names - I am sure I can give you a sneak peek into the crazy paper world daniela leitner and I have been "living" in for the last couple of weeks. We are building a huge Viennese landmark out of paper. I am not allowed to tell you what landmark it is, where to see it in autumn or what brand it is for. But it consists of an awful lot of windows and all of them are different. For this collaboration, we are teaming up with the fabulous ars electronica team so in the end, it will include som fancy tech shizzle too.

Everything is super detailed and sometimes it is a little crazy what we are trying to do with paper, but at the same time it is very rewarding after 8 hours of sitting in a workshop - opposite of the talented miss leitner - listening to classical music all day and not looking at the screen. So it will take a couple of more weeks and months until I can reveal for which client we are building this set design for, but I hope you guys are hooked and get an impression on my summer months agenda and to-dos.