updates! so many projects! updates! so many projects!

This feed is going to be a little different since we have been quite busy for the last couple of weeks. But I will try to write a quick update on what we have been working on.

We, meaning my great intern tamara and I, the boys from salon alpin, the guys from lwz, lawrence blankenbyl who is a great director and animator, gabs who is the sound guy to go to, the boys from huangart who are crazily good at everything that comes with web, gilbert who is the most amazing code nerd and philip reitsperger who happens to be my strategic partner and guy for self initiated identity projects for quite a bit now (i will write about that in more detail soon).

So as listed above, I really love and believe in collaboration. I believe in multidisciplinary projects, where every team member can work on and bring into the project what he/she is best at and most passionate about. I am happy to have build a great network over the last 10 years where I am able to work with a lot of those amazing people.

So here is what we have been up to:

  • A new animation for FAZ - coming in october.
  • We had an amazing photo shoot for mark & leòn in milan. With the amazing paolo barbi
    We are working on all sorts of branded material as well as the website and help to launch the brand end of the year.
  • Also there are 3 branding and corporate design projects I am very excited about. 
    Parts of it unfortunately can’t be released yet but a teaser pic should be alright. 

More coming soon –  huzzling hard for now!